Gonna be a busy morning this week as we welcome in a friend of the show and official fitness trainer, James W
hatmore from Whatmore Performance Training. James will tell us all about his new facility, the pros he is working with, and he’ll have more insight than you probably care to hear about Tiger’s firing glutes!
We also welcome in local legend and Long Drive Champion, Kevin Shook for the first time on “Tee It Up With Nate Ditchfield”. Kevin will tell us about his decorated career and how he hits the ball over 400 yards!
Then LIVE from Palm Beach Gardens and the Honda Classic, we’ll be joined by Ron Green, Jr. from Global Golf Post. Ron is an award winning journalist having covered more than 60 major championships, 6 Ryder Cups and PGA Tour events all over the world. Tune in to hear the LIVE update from “The Bear Trap” and get Ron’s take on the PGA Tour, Ryder Cup, and much more!